Intended for healthcare professionals

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Fewer ethnic minority doctors are referred to GMC after cases are anonymised

BMJ 2022; 377 doi: (Published 06 May 2022) Cite this as: BMJ 2022;377:o1153

Rapid Response:

Re: Fewer ethnic minority doctors are referred to GMC after cases are anonymised

Dear Editor,
There has been negligible national media coverage and minimal response in the BMJ since the publication two weeks ago of what should ordinarily be a piece of welcome news. This deafening silence speaks volumes considering the broad readership of the BMJ. One cannot but wonder whether the apparent silence is because of disinterest by the majority or the minority’s lack of faith in the system to effect significant changes following the piece of work and positive outcomes.
Hopefully, other trusts across the UK will work with the NHS’s workforce race equality standard to tackle racial inequality and discrimination issues concerning doctors and other healthcare professionals to eventually make the national picture mirror the East of England’s.

Competing interests: No competing interests

21 May 2022
Babatunde A. Gbolade
Retired NHS Consultant Gynaecologist; Fitness To Practise Proceedings Consultant & McKenzie Friend
BLG Assist
Suite 28129, PO Box 6945, London W1A 6US