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Covid-19: Mexico City gave ivermectin kits to people with covid in “unethical” experiment

BMJ 2022; 376 doi: (Published 22 February 2022) Cite this as: BMJ 2022;376:o453

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Re: Covid-19: Mexico City gave ivermectin kits to people with covid in “unethical” experiment

Dear Editor,

I certainly understand the unethical nature of experimenting an unproven treatment on people without informed consent. The criticisms levied at such an action by a Major city government (or any for that matter) seem wholly valid.

It is not fully clear, however, what the results of the experiment are, unethical as it may have been. Given such a large sample size, do we have a better understanding of the value, if any, in using Ivermectin to treat COVID-19?

Furthermore, the fact that the article was taken down due to public pressure, which is what appears to have been the case according to the article, is somewhat concerning. Surely, the only factor in making such a decision should be the quality of the research. Public pressure, which is not in and of itself considered scientific critique, shouldn't be influencing publishing decisions in scientific journals.

Competing interests: No competing interests

22 May 2022
Mohamed A Elmaazi